October 08, 2019 :02: Apple’s Products Made Him Gay

Hello All,

A great meeting, but another small group (+1 bigger from last week.) We’re still waiting for people that haven’t come back. Today our discussion was more personal, and catching up with what we’ve been doing during the summer.

We did cover some of the following:

If you missed our meeting in real-time, then you can always listen to this podcast.

I hope you all enjoy this audio recording. Also, you can watch the YouTube video at: https://youtu.be/lhdm9vFzX3g.

I’ll talk to you next week!

Everyone take care and #techOn!

Scott, headNerd
at International Computer Solutions (internationalcs.net)

Please leave a comment if you find any of this info useful.

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website: sccClub.org
twitter: @sccClub
iTunes: The San Carlos Computer Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SanCarlosComputerClub
Youtube: http://youtube.sccclub.org
liveAudio: http://audio.sccclub.org


  1. Hey Scott, good topics..
    I picked up using last spring after hearing about it in one of your SCCC meetings. I have the same issues you mentioned and just removed the app from my phone. I found that just having my phone (with running) on the same WIFI network as my smartTV would sometimes interfere with the TV’s ability to stream US Netflix and US Amazon Prime content. (I use a DNS proxy service (SmartDNSProxy.com) setup on my DSL router to achieve this)
    Another interesting situation I have, I found by complete accident, while using the DNS proxy service the main goal was to get to access US Netflix and US Amazon Prime on my smartTV and as well on a ROKU device connected to a ‘dumb’TV. However I also have an Amazon FireStick connected to my smartTV. The content I get on that device is MX Netflix and MX Amazon Prime. Interestingly enough, that works out well, when I want content not availabile in the US I can watch MX and viceversa.
    Maybe you can explain both fenómeno.
    Can’t join the meetings, but I like the info and various user experiences with tech in San Carlos.

    • Awesome! WE should make a point of revisiting your solutions in club. the smartDNS has worked great for many of our members, and my customers. The only issues we’ve had are using it in conjunction with TCS’s wireless internet service here in town. Apparently, for it to work with their system, you need to buy a static IP from them and configure a second router into your network. xPro’s wireless internet does NOT have this problem, neither does Telmex, nor Megacable.

      (I bet none of this effect’s your situation, but I thought it was a good opportunity to expand on the topic.)

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