Hey Everybody out there in internetLand!
I hope everything is awesome! We had a great meeting with a lot of people. Our topics were all over the place. I tried to take some notes, and what follows is somewhat some of the things we talked about.
- We are still waiting to update i-devices to iOS13, unless you already have iOS13 (then you should make sure you have the latest,) or if your product is too old for iOS13 (then you should update to latest available for your device.)
- We talked a bit about router, and WiFi extenders, and the different configurations of a home network.
- We also talked a little about the lack of Google in China.
- Microsoft Japan’s experiment with 3-day weekend boosts worker productivity by 40 percent | SoraNews24 -Japan News-
- Microsoft invents glass that stores data
If you missed our meeting in real-time, then you can always listen to this podcast.
I hope you all enjoy this audio recording. Also, you can watch the YouTube video at: https://youtu.be/NM51cpSHi54
I’ll talk to you next week!
Everyone take care and #techOn!
Scott, headNerd
at International Computer Solutions (internationalcs.net)
Please leave a comment if you find any of this info useful.
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