Thanks for making Yuya feel right at home with our group. You guys are really nice and it was great to have her there answering our questions. Filling us in on the latest happenings in immigration and the senior discount card. if you guys are looking for any more of that kind of information, or are looking for help filling out this paperwork, then you can get ahold of her through our offices. Call ±52-622-226-0209.
If you missed this meeting in real-time, then you can always listen to this podcast.
I hope you all enjoy this audio recording. Also, you can watch the YouTube video at: https://youtu.be/L5Ls1RgrqAQ
I’ll talk to you next week!
Everyone take care and #techOn!
Scott, headNerd
at International Computer Solutions (internationalcs.net)
Please leave a comment if you find any of this info useful.
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