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July 18, 2020 :42: The Basic Stremio Presentation : Quarantine Meeting #19

Wow. we don’t wanna believe it, but this is the 19th virtual club meeting of the San Carlos computer club. We’ve been in isolation for 19 weeks… A 4 months period. Hopefully, our little town is being isolated from non residents, and our beaches are being open with social distancing. We don’t know what the future will bring, and so we don’t know when we’ll be able to meet in person again. Until then we will continue to do virtual meetings in this format, and anyone is always welcome to join us.

Today’s meeting was dedicated to the multi content streaming software known as Stremio. I demonstrated and talked about installing the software on a windows PC, what the role of the addons plays in the software, and how the software organizes content to be discovered. We looked at it on both a windows computer and an Android TV comparing and contrasting differences. Since this meeting was very much a visual meeting I would recommend looking at the YouTube video at: https://youtu.be/VNMSYcr-Plk.

Now for a couple of recurring themes from our podcast descriptions:

NOTE #1: Next week (for those of you paying attention I didn’t do it this week) I will be scheduling the Google Meet using Google Calendar with your Google account listed as attendants. The advantage is this will allow members (attendants) to enter the meeting without waiting permission, and will send a notification of the meeting through their Google Calendars. The disadvantage is that we will need to adopt a new regular Meet code. I will continue to send out the regular email notification and the Facebook post containing the numit code and the links to the meeting. People that are new to our club, or not on our list, will still be able to participate, but will need to wait for permission to enter the meeting.

NOTE #2: A CHALLENGE: Can you design a phrase or dialog to trigger and execute a smart speaker commands, while masquerading as conversation? #speakerhacker – Any command execution counts, for example: play a song, get the weather, turn on/off a light. The goal is to covertly execute the command with conversation. We’ll play with our speakers and check back in next week.

If you missed our meeting in real-time, then you can always listen to this podcast.

I hope you all enjoy this audio recording. Today the video is better because of the visual nature of the presentation. You can watch the YouTube video at: https://youtu.be/VNMSYcr-Plk.

Another thanks to all of you that have been helping in my endeavors. Without your support these things would not be possible.

Remember, you can always do something to help without costing you a thing. Please take a moment and go to YouTube and iTunes to like, subscribe, and review any of the videos and podcasts. When you do this it gives my efforts greater exposure. It is as valuable and appreciated as any contribution to the work I’m doing. Thank you.

I’ll talk to you next week!

Everyone take care and #techOn! (psst…is it me, or is our audio a much higher quality today?)

Scott, headNerd
at International Computer Solutions (internationalcs.net)

Please leave a comment if you find any of this info useful.

= Communicate with Us =
website: sccClub.org
twitter: @sccClub
iTunes: The San Carlos Computer Club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SanCarlosComputerClub
Youtube: http://youtube.sccclub.org

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