Hello All,
I have to apology for this is getting out late. Yesterday, I was dealing with car problems and didn’t get a chance to publish ’till this morning. Regardless, it is here in all it’s glory!
Before a I go on, I want to take a moment to say, “Happy Birthday” to my wife. In celebration she is planning on skydiving for the first time. Everyone is invited and I hope to see you guys this Saturday on San Francisco beach at 12pm to hear her screaming down to earth.
We had a big group; 20+ people.
We covered a large range of topics, such as:
- Mobile wifi hot-spots equipment and availability (a topic brought from the discussion groups at: https://www.sancarlosboard.com/.)
- Microsoft continued stumbling at the October 2018 update. This time it’s ZIPs.
- Roku Wins Copyright Lawsuit in Mexico After Temporary Ban
- App Developers are Stalking ‘uninstallers’ and targeting them online.
- Update VLC! It has a criticla vulnerability.
- Google News on your Phone? It maybe eating up your data plan
I hope you all enjoy this current recording as audio or you can watch the YouTube video at: https://youtu.be/tb1TWVw836g
I’ll talk to you next week!
Everyone take care and #techOn!
Scott, headNerd
at International Computer Solutions (internationalcs.net)
Please leave a comment if you find any of this info useful.
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website: sccClub.org
twitter: @sccClub
iTunes: The San Carlos Computer Club
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSTDjmkUDovJYjFGH2uqDVg (Please Subscribe, I need 100 subscribers to get permission to change this ugly url. I don’t even have 100 subscribers….awh…<frown>)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SanCarlosComputerClub