December 2 Clubcast is Now Available: Ninth meeting: VPNs (again) Roku/Netflix, ChromeBox/Book, Smart TVs, Black Friday sales, and even a Spanish lesson at the beginning

Hi Clubbers,

I hope everyone had a good holiday. I hope it was ful of friends, family, and turkey.

We started recording our meeting a little early today. The conversation is very random and includes some Spanish lessons. If our pre-meeting dialog is too much for you, then just fast forward to the start of our meeting (at 7mins, 45seconds.)

We had a lot of people join us this morning. Even my folks showed up. And, for no agenda, we sure found a lot to talk about. Chromebox, Chromebooks, Roku, FireTV, Chromecast,  smartTV, Black  Friday shopping, VPNs, PhotoShop, and even more.

It was an awesome ninth meeting. If you missed it, then you can hear the recording from the link below.

You can join us at Tequila’s or you can tune in on Tuesdays (9:15-10:15am AZ time) with our chat-room and live audio stream found at  If you want to receive this recording in iTunes then search the iTunes store for ‘The San Carlos Computer Club’.

Thanks for listening. Please leave comments and rate us in iTunes.

Tech On!

Scott, international computer solutions


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